[Team]Brand Story #1 Prologue.

20 Aug 2021
Views 986

Actually, Granhand does not enjoy or like talking about our story ourselves. We wished that people would look and feel Granhand solely from our thoughts, concerns, and fragrance products from our efforts. We thought only we had to know how hard and difficult the entire process was. We believed our choices would directly show our will.

Yet, what we felt throughout these seven short but not short years was, the reason Granhand the ‘brand’ came this far was because of customer’s hearts, and the reason we came this far as a steady ‘team’ was because of the dedication from all the team members and the time we took to really think about our company.  

So we finally thought it’s okay now to share some of our stories. Perhaps, thoughts on our team and brand have now been organized, enough time has passed for us to even have a story to tell, so we naturally had this thought occur. Some of our customers now know, but the image displayed on the outside and Granhand’s internal image is very different. But not because our front and back are different, but ‘what we want to show’ and ‘how we show it’ are different stories on their own.

The stories we will now start to show are stories that are honestly filled with our experiences and thoughts, and not about right or wrong. There is no royal road in creating and leading a brand or a team. We just want to show you from the various possibilities, the ones we chose, believe, and feel closer to are what we calmly want to show you.

Sometimes you win, 

Sometimes you learn.

Though you can not seize nor hold the smell, it has a decisive effect on the matter of our memory and emotion and believes on its vitally of influences on our decision among our lives. GRANHAND gives faith towards the value of the fragrance and consistently pursues to make the scent part of our regular living. Although it may be slow nor has perfection, the variety of contents that our brand is offering will build the unique value of the experience that no other brand will possess. GRANHAND will not be a product where it vanishes with ease nor be neglected. It will continuously illuminate with a distinct presence and yield to warm people’s mind.

대표 정준혁   상호 (유)그랑핸드   사업자번호 127-88-01898   14-2, Jahamun-ro 4-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Korea      T. +82-2-333-6525      hello@granhand.com      Terms of Use      Privacy Policy