[News]26 May 2018 : Open New GRANHAND Store at Seochon

18 May 2021
Views 1217

2018년 5월 26일. 세번째 그랑핸드를 서촌에서 시작합니다. 서촌 그랑핸드는 그 동안 그랑핸드가 내부적으로 겪었던 공간적 한계에서 벗어나 향에 대한 연구부터 조향 및 제조, 패키지와 판매까지 모두 이루어지는 공간입니다. 본사 사무실 또한 이 곳에 함께 위치하며 잠시 중단되었던 그랑핸드 랩에서 진행하는 퍼퓨머리 워크샵 또한 이 곳에서 진행됩니다. 각자의 위치에서 오랜 기간동안 준비한 그랑핸드 식구들, 밤낮 없이 멋진 공간을 만들어준 더퍼스트펭귄 분들, 그리고 그랑핸드에 언제나 애정어린 관심을 가져주신 모든 분들께 감사한 마음 전합니다. 그랑핸드는 앞으로 더욱 더 일상 속에서 좋은 향으로 찾아뵙겠습니다. 감사합니다.

May 26, 2018 The third GRANHAND is held at Seochon. Beyond the limitations of space that we have experienced internally, GRANHAND Seochon is a space that able to do everything from the research, handling, manufacture, package, and sales our scent and product. The headquarters office is also located here, and the Perfumery Workshop, which has been suspended for some time, will be held here again. Thank you for our GRANHAND crew, Team T-FP who made wonderful space, and everyone who has loved GRANHAND as always. We will try to make sure that more and more people get a good fragrance in their daily lives. Thank you!

Location: 자하문로 4길 14-2 (14-2, Jahamun-ro 4-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul)
Business Hour: 11:30 – 20:30

Sometimes you win, 

Sometimes you learn.

Though you can not seize nor hold the smell, it has a decisive effect on the matter of our memory and emotion and believes on its vitally of influences on our decision among our lives. GRANHAND gives faith towards the value of the fragrance and consistently pursues to make the scent part of our regular living. Although it may be slow nor has perfection, the variety of contents that our brand is offering will build the unique value of the experience that no other brand will possess. GRANHAND will not be a product where it vanishes with ease nor be neglected. It will continuously illuminate with a distinct presence and yield to warm people’s mind.

대표 정준혁   상호 (유)그랑핸드   사업자번호 127-88-01898   14-2, Jahamun-ro 4-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Korea      T. +82-2-333-6525      hello@granhand.com      Terms of Use      Privacy Policy